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Christian Mitchell
Christian Mitchell

The Twilight Zone - Season 4 !LINK!

This season broke with the previous seasons in presenting hour-long episodes instead of the earlier half-hour episodes. The opening sequence was revamped, and introduces the now-iconic floating door, smashed window, clock, eyeball, wooden doll, and the equation for Einstein's theory of relativity. Rod Serling's narration was also changed from the earlier seasons as well:

The Twilight Zone - Season 4


Season 4Series:The Twilight ZoneNo. of Episodes:18Premiere Date:TBAFinale Date:TBAOther SeasonsPrevious:Season 3Next:Season 5The is an overview of the fourth season of the original The Twilight Zone TV series which ran in 1963, airing 18 episodes.

Note: This season of The Twilight Zone was used as a mid-season replacement for the show that had replaced it on the 1962 fall schedule. To fill the timeslot, episodes were lengthened to one hour and moved to Thursday nights.

The Writers... Were They From The Twilight Zone?Next question: is there a diminishing return on the quality of the episodes in season 4? As the episodes rack up, has Serling managed to keep things fresh or has the idea of the Twilight Zone worn thin? No, fortunately Serling (and his close team of occasional Twilight Zone contributors including Matheson, Charles Beaumont and Earl Hamner, Jr.) show no sign of slowing, loosing focus or hitting any sort of writers block... It's as if Serling, especially prolific as a sci-fi writer, himself was from the Twilight Zone. Where did he think up all these wonderful ideas and storylines? He really was a genius the like of which we have never seen since... Modern day writers that might have a claim on living up to the brilliance of Serling as would perhaps be Stephen Spilberg or Joss Whedon or J J Abrams, but then I have no doubt that each of those writers would all cite Serling as a huge influence on their own careers.

This past month on The Twilight Zone has been quite the experience. It has included anything from deals with the devil to time travel. It has also thrown in parallel universes and wish granting genies just for fun. If any of those things sound familiar, there may be good reason. The show does seem to be rehashing some old ideas. So, has The Twilight Zone finally run out of steam, or is it just offering new interpretations of some old classics? After four seasons one thing is for sure: anything is possible in The Twilight Zone.

Jeff Cork and I are continuing our trek through every episode of The Twilight Zone. We've tackled episodes 1-3 and 4-6 in previous podcasts, now we are knee-deep in the fourth season and have finally encountered our first hour-long gem. Which of these three episodes stand out as excellent and which contains an unexpected amount of jaguars? Only one way to find out: listen to us blather on about this old show! You can listen to the podcast below or subscribe and leave a review on iTunes.

Rod Serling was in his bag during the third season, which is apparent by our list. This episode serves as a microcosm of what would happen if the water shut off and the end was near. What would happen if resources were scarce for survival and the inevitable clash between the haves and have-not ensued. Neighbors would turn on each other, and all the dismal reasons to see your fellow man as an enemy would bubble up to the surface. It also asks if our interactions with each other are real or a mask we show each other as a convenience.

The questions that remain unanswered, that the Tigers and all of Major League Baseball must sort out on the fly, are so wide-reaching. What to do next? What about minor leaguers, who do not receive paychecks during spring training? What about seasonal and hourly workers, both in Florida and at Comerica Park? Those are the important questions and also the hardest ones to answer.

That revelation reminded me of a couple of stories. Last year was my first season covering an MLB beat full time. As my luck would have it, I covered a team that lost 114 games. It was a ton of fun. It also kind of sucked. Probably my two favorite stories from the year had nothing to do with the 2019 Detroit Tigers. Instead, they were stories about baseball, and about sports, and community, and place, and history, and how it all ties together. 041b061a72




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