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Christian Mitchell
Christian Mitchell

[Movie] Hotel Transylvania 1-3

Height: 1,95 metres (6'5")Weight: 79 kilograms (181lbs), vacation outfitBirthdayOctober 3, 1444 (578 Years Old)OccupationManager of Hotel Transylvania (formerly)RetireeAffiliationsNeutral, later GoodGoalTo keep his daughter safe (formerly; 1st film) To bring Johnny back to the hotel so Mavis can be happy (succeeded)To bring the vampire out of Dennis (succeeded; 2nd film)To ask out/marry Ericka Van Helsing (succeeded 4th film)HomeCastle Lubov (formerly)Hotel Transylvania

[Movie] Hotel Transylvania 1-3

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Count Dracula, (1444 - present) better known as Drac, is the main protagonist of the Hotel Transylvania movie series. He is the owner of Hotel Transylvania, and oversees all of the events held there, the son of Vlad Dracula, the husband and widower of Martha, the father of Mavis, the father-in-law of Jonathan Loughran, and the maternal grandfather of Dennis.

Dracula is a very charismatic and funny vampire to his guests and others around him, but he can be over-controlling of what goes on in the hotel and overprotective of Mavis Dracula (Dracula's daughter). However, despite his flaws, Dracula still cares deeply about his friends and family and only does what he believes his best for them and it's revealed that he's a talented singer and rapper at the end of the first film. His over-controlling personality makes him an ideal hotel manager.

Dracula began to live alone somewhere else with Mavis and began to raise her on his own. He, like his father, taught Mavis to be afraid and hate humans. Wanting to keep Mavis safe, Dracula began the construction of a large castle where he intended to live there with his daughter. After the hotel was finished being built, Dracula took Mavis to live there where he intended to have her live there for the rest of her life. He opened up the castle as a Hotel for all monsters to be safe from humankind.

Years later, Dracula and Mavis are still living at the hotel. Dracula starts to prepare the Hotel for Mavis' 118th birthday. Dracula goes to greet Mavis in her room where he tells her that she can leave the hotel, and visit some humans. Mavis overcome with joy transforms into a bat and flies out the window to the nearest village. Dracula quickly rushes to the village to ensure his plan goes well. He enlists the help of some of the zombies working at the hotel to dress up as humans to pretend to be the townsfolk at the fake village Mavis is going to see. Dracula instructs the zombies to act ruthless to Mavis, pretending they want to kill her. After Mavis arrives he watches with satisfaction as Mavis is scared by the humans and flies away back to the hotel. Dracula smiles, knowing that this is what's best for Mavis. Now Mavis will remain safe at the hotel forever. Dracula quickly flies back to the hotel to comfort Mavis.

After successfully scaring his daughter Mavis away from the humans, Dracula walks down into the front lobby of the hotel to greet all the monsters. As he is walking Dracula notices some odd shape moving through the revolving door at the front. As the figure comes through the door Dracula realizes it is a human.

Horrified, Dracula quickly rushes to trap the human in the revolving door, demanding to know who he is and how he found this place. The human introduces himself as Jonathan, and tells Dracula that he was mountain climbing and heard a story about an ancient castle. Out of curiosity Johnny travelled in search of the hotel. Dracula tries to push Johnny out of the hotel, but sees the oncoming monsters preparing to enter the hotel. He quickly takes Johnny and throws him inside a closet with him. Dracula debates if he should kill him, but decides not to, as it would set monsters back hundreds of years. Dracula quickly comes up with the idea to dress Johnny up as a Frankenstein monster to sneak him out of the hotel, the plan starts to work however, Johnny finally realizing that all the monsters are real, panics and launches himself onto a witches broom, Johnny is sent flying through the air and ultimately crashes into Mavis. Dracula quickly rushes to see if Mavis is alright. After Mavis confirms that she is ok Dracula quickly takes Johnny away before she can discover that Johnny is a human.

Dracula takes Johnny to a room in the hotel where he explains to him that he isn't going to kill him. Having calmed down, Johnny asks what this place is. Dracula explains to Johnny that the hotel is a place he built to keep all monsters safe from the persecution of humankind. Dracula then attempts to fly Johnny out of the window by picking him up as a bat. However, Mavis flies into the room too, and catches Dracula in the act. Dracula quickly takes Johnny back inside where he instructs Johnny to play along, and keep his human identity a secret or else. Mavis and Johnny begin to chat, but before Johnny and Mavis can talk anymore Dracula rushes Johnny into the hotel's secret tunnel where he tries to sneak him out. However, Dracula forgets the way and ends up back inside the hotel. Dracula and Johnny find themselves inside a room inside the hotel where Frank, Griffin, Wayne and Murray are preparing the song they've been working on for Mavis' birthday. Frank and the group try to convince Dracula to sing with them. Dracula tells them that he hasn't sang since Martha's death. They try to push Dracula some more to make him sing, but Dracula explodes with anger, "I said NO! Don't ask me again!"

Dracula spends the rest of the day trying to keep Johnny's humanity a secret from the other monsters. At the pool Dracula tries to convince Johnny to leave on his own, but Johnny ends up starting a "Chicken Fight" with all the other pool guests, and Mavis. Fed up, Dracula finally kicks Johnny out the hotel. He tries to hypnotize Johnny into never returning, but Johnny's contact lenses prevent him from doing so. He instead tells Johnny that if he returns he would kill him. Dracula then tries to relax with his best friends, Frank, Murray, Wayne, and Griffin in the hotel sauna. However, shortly after Johnny crashes through the roof and falls down onto Drac. Seeing that he can't get rid of Johnny, Dracula instead instructs Johnny to help set up tables for Mavis' 118th birthday party. Johnny however starts to prank Dracula by sending the magic tables flying through the air with magic phrases after watching Dracula say them. Dracula and Johnny begin to chase each other on the tables, when Dracula realizes that he is having fun. The two crash, and Dracula jumps up with excitement. He goes over to where he thinks Johnny is, but sees that he is missing. He notices muddy foot tracks and instantly figures out it was the hotel's chef, Quasimodo who kidnapped Johnny. Dracula takes off at top speed down the halls to find Johnny.

Dracula finds Quasimodo in the kitchen trying to cook Johnny. Dracula frees Johnny from the ropes he is tied in and attempts to leave. However, Quasimodo stops Dracula questioning him as to why he is helping a human. Dracula barks back that Johnny is not a human, and that he is a stein. Quasimodo then decides to have Johnny scare his pet rat, Esmeralda if he really is a monster. After Johnny is unable to scare Esmeralda Quasimodo screams in anger that Dracula has brought a human into the hotel. Dracula uses his powers to freeze Quasimodo and quickly takes Johnny away.

Dracula continues to listen to Johnny, but tells him that the legend is wrong. It was only the wife who died. Dracula pulls down the curtain covering up part of the painting, revealing that it was Dracula who was the lonely count in the story. Dracula turns to Johnny and tells him that it was no accident who killed her. "She was killed by your kind!" Dracula says to Johnny. Dracula explains that he built the hotel to protect her child. To protect Mavis. Johnny, finally understands, and agrees to leave the hotel. Dracula stops Johnny. He tells Johnny that Mavis has feelings for him, and that he should stay for her birthday. Johnny agrees, apologizing to Drac, never intending to hurt Mavis. Dracula escorts Johnny out of the room, so they can prepare for Mavis' birthday tomorrow.

The following day, the entire hotel begins to prepare for Mavis' party. Dracula finishes the final preparations with Johnny, and leaves Mavis her present from Martha. Martha made Mavis a special present, intending for her to open it on her 118th birthday. The party begins, and all the monsters of the hotel come to attend. Dracula oversees the party, proud that it is a success. Dracula begins to let loose and starts to dance as well. However, Dracula watches in horror as Mavis kisses Johnny. Dracula instantly rushes over to them, outraged at Johnny for kissing his daughter. Mavis tries to explain to Dracula that it was only a kiss, but Dracula yells at her telling her that she shouldn't kiss him. Mavis yells back at her father that she's allowed to like people and try different things. She tells Dracula that she even wants to give the human village a second chance, and that maybe she can try to be friends with them. Dracula yells back telling Mavis that's impossible and that the village doesn't really exist.

Mavis becomes furious, and yells at Dracula for lying to her and keeping her trapped inside the hotel when he knew she wanted to leave. Just then, a frozen Quasimodo enters the room attempting to speak. He tells everyone that Johnny is really a human. Esmeralda enters the room too, and tears off Johnny's disguise. The room erupts into panic upon seeing that Johnny is a human. But Mavis doesn't care if Johnny is a human and hugs him, accepting him as a human. Johnny notices Dracula looking at him, and decides to reject Mavis in fear and respect for Dracula. As Johnny leaves, Dracula attempts to comfort Mavis, but Mavis turns to Dracula saying that this is all his fault and she flew away in anger. Dracula looks up and watches Mavis fly away as all the monsters walk out the room, giving Dracula dirty looks (mainly Frank and Wayne gives him a dirty look).




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