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Anatoly Khokhlov
Anatoly Khokhlov

Lateral Thinking By Edward De Bono 37.epub

Lateral Thinking: How to Think Creatively and Solve Problems with Edward de Bonos Techniques

Lateral thinking is a term coined by the Maltese psychologist Edward de Bono in 1967 to describe a way of thinking that is different from the conventional, logical, and linear approach. Lateral thinking involves looking at problems from different perspectives, generating multiple ideas, and challenging assumptions. It is a skill that can be learned and practiced to enhance creativity and innovation.

Lateral Thinking By Edward De Bono 37.epub

In this article, we will explore what lateral thinking is, why it is important, and how you can apply some of Edward de Bonos techniques to improve your lateral thinking ability.

What is Lateral Thinking?

According to Edward de Bono, lateral thinking is a systematic method for using information in a way that does not follow the usual patterns of logic. He explains that the human mind is a self-organizing system that tends to form patterns and routines based on past experience. These patterns help us to process information quickly and efficiently, but they also limit our ability to see new possibilities and alternatives.

Lateral thinking is a way of breaking out of these patterns and generating new ideas that may not be obvious or logical. It involves using techniques such as provocation, analogy, random input, reversal, and brainstorming to stimulate the mind in new and exciting ways. Lateral thinking can help us to solve problems that are complex, ambiguous, or novel, as well as to create original and valuable solutions.

Why is Lateral Thinking Important?

Lateral thinking is important because it can help us to cope with the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. We live in an era of rapid change, uncertainty, complexity, and diversity. We face problems that are often ill-defined, multidimensional, and interconnected. We need to be able to adapt, innovate, and collaborate in order to survive and thrive.

Lateral thinking can help us to develop these essential skills by enhancing our creativity and flexibility. Creativity is the ability to produce new and useful ideas that meet the needs of a situation. Flexibility is the ability to change our perspective and approach according to the demands of a situation. By practicing lateral thinking, we can train ourselves to think more creatively and flexibly, and to apply our ideas effectively.

How to Apply Edward de Bonos Techniques for Lateral Thinking?

Edward de Bono has developed several techniques for lateral thinking that can help us to improve our thinking skills. Here are some examples of how you can apply them:

  • Provocation: This technique involves making a deliberate statement that contradicts common sense or logic in order to provoke a new way of thinking. For example, you can say cars should have square wheels or schools should teach students how to fail. The purpose of provocation is not to be right or wrong, but to stimulate your imagination and challenge your assumptions.

  • Analogy: This technique involves finding a similarity between two different things or situations in order to generate new insights or ideas. For example, you can compare a problem you are facing with something else that has similar characteristics or functions. The purpose of analogy is not to find a perfect match, but to explore different aspects or perspectives.

  • Random input: This technique involves using a random word or image as a stimulus for generating new ideas. For example, you can pick a word from a dictionary or a picture from a magazine and try to relate it to your problem or goal. The purpose of random input is not to find a logical connection, but to trigger associations and combinations.

  • Reversal: This technique involves changing the direction or orientation of your thinking by reversing the usual order or relationship of things. For example, you can ask yourself what if I did the opposite? or what if I swapped the roles? The purpose of reversal is not to find a realistic alternative, but to open up new possibilities and angles.

Brainstorming: This technique involves generating as many ideas as possible without judging or evaluating them. For example, you can write down or say aloud whatever comes to your mind related to your problem or goal. The purpose of brainstorming is not to c481cea774




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